
Techniques In The Medieval Times

     Techniques in the Medieval times and techniques in the modern days differ greatly. In the Medieval times, farmers would farm during the growing seasons, harvest their crops, then convert their land into a grazing field for cattle. This was done to preserve the soil and a way to help develop new land. Also, farmers usually followed a rotation pattern. For instance, farmers might grow wheat the first year, barley the next year, then they might not grow anything the third year. Since many of the Medieval farmers where serfs and peasants, the land was divided into strips and given out to different farmers each year.
     Farmers had chores and worked all year round, even if they weren't growing anything. In the early months, farmers would use their time to sharpen tools, mend fences, or making utensils, getting ready for the time to plow their field. Around March, farmers would work in the fields, plowing the fields so they could start growing. In May, farmers usually planted their crops. Around July, farmers would harvest their crops. The later months in the year farmers spent their time picking berries, fruit, gathering roots, nuts, and collecting firewood. December was the month for hunting, also around the same time was when they met up with their lord and split their profits and shares.

Techniques In Modern Times

     Techniques in Modern times vary from pest-killers to crop rotation. Crop rotation is one of the most powerful techniques for many reasons. One reason was that, by growing different crops each year, new insects will come. If the same insects came each year then eventually they will adapt to the pest-killer you are using and then you are basically just giving them a supply of food. By changing the crops each year, new insects will come on different years and they wouldn't adapt as fast. In crop rotation, the farmer can also plant crops like soybeans to help replenish the soil nutrients. This means they will reduce the chemical fertilizers, which also reduce the amount of money that they pay, and that will save the farmer money.
     Another technique farmers use in modern times is the soil enrichment. Farmers often use different beneficial insects and microbes (microorganisms) to help increase soil enrichment but these insects and microbes are often killed off by overuse of pesticides. Adding composted plant material and animal manure also increased the enrichment of the soil. 

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